Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Let's take him to the Mulberry-Garden, and see what the ladies can do

My favorite passage in all of Restoration drama:

Estridge. If thou knew'st once the pleasure of such a sprightly Girl as Olivia, the kind quarrels, the fondness, the pretty sullenness after a little absence, which must be charm'd out of it with Kisses, and those thousand other Devises that make a Lovers happiness; thou wou'dst think all this as easie, as lying a bed in the Country in a rainy morning.

Though this one comes close:

Olivia. The only way to oblige most men is to use 'um thus, a little now and then; even to their faces; it gives 'um an Opinion of our wit; and is consequently a Spur to theirs: the great pleasure of Gaming were lost, if we saw one anothers hands; and of Love, if we knew one anothers Hearts.

--Charles Sedley, The Mulberry-Garden, 1668


  1. I feel like this passage is ALL ABOUT ME. Which is kind of frightening, actually.

  2. Last year at Oxford, I told my tutor that I was living in a Restoration comedy. He winced, and understood.
